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Profile for kinta
Name kinta (joined 08-Jul-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username harry_kinta
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Location Japan
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View Galleries : kinta has 72 galleries and 872 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 418476 times.

View Guestbook : 21 messages. Most recent on 30-Aug-2015.

Message from kinta
I do not remember when I became to be interested in Nature Photography. All the photos those were taken in the travel with my friends in the middle high-school did NOT include my friends, but sceneries only ! They claimed "Hei, your photos are meaningless ! Nobody knows who traveled!", and since then, I always take photos with persons for memories.

However, the photo that was taken in the heavily snowed morning remembered me the yearning for the nature photo! I have re-started and want to feel beauty and hard reality of nature itself through the camera finder, and to record for future. Let me have your patience about my poor photographic technique, and I am very happy when you also feel something about the nature. Thank you !
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