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Serena Bowles | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Serena Bowles
Name Serena Bowles (joined 11-Mar-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username serenab
Location England
View Galleries : Serena Bowles has 798 galleries and 22059 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 14628501 times.

View Guestbook : 169 messages. Most recent on 09-Feb-2021.

Message from Serena Bowles

Hi, I'm Serena,

Here are some of my photos, I hope you enjoy them. You are welcome to leave comments, and please vote for any images or galleries that you particularly like. If you want to find out a little more about me, have a look at my website at The interest in photography runs in the family - check out my mum's galleries at, and my sister's at .

All photographs are taken by and copyright to Serena Bowles unless otherwise stated. If you wish to use any of these images, please contact me at Royalty free or licensed use can be arranged.

Some of my images are now for sale as posters, canvas prints, or digital files sold royalty free at Serenity Photography. I also have thousands of images available for stock use in my stock library - just click to search through them. If there are any images from this site which are not available elsewhere, but you would like to purchase, then please do get in touch.

Visit Serenity Photography, where you can buy beautiful
<br>pictures from around the world

Posters, canvas prints and calendars are all available from SerenityPhotography, while my book O is for Overland - a spiffing good read - is available from

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